Building a Blue Future for Ecosystems and People on the East African Coast
The Building a Blue Future for Ecosystems and People on the East African Coast – Blue Future – goal is that by 2027 a new 1,000 km2 sustainable use Marine Protected Area (potentially reaching 7,000 km2) is established in Nampula province which will include a network of well operated community-managed fishing areas, aiming to enhance priority biodiversity and ecosystem services that contribute to reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience of local communities to climate change impacts, promoting effective prevention and adaptation, aiding coastal protection and fostering alternative livelihoods to fisheries.
The project is building capacity in local artisanal fishing communities, supporting community fisheries councils to establish, legalize, manage and sustainably monitor community-managed fishing areas and to restore, protect and manage mangrove, seagrass and coral reefs, contributing to the achievement of the targets set in the national strategies and action plans related to climate, conservation and sustainable development goals.
Blue Future is investing in small local businesses, promoting environmentally sustainable alternative livelihoods, developing a business and financial plan for the new MPA and piloting sustainable finance solutions to support its management and local communities.
7 CCPs
People who receive assistance or resources directly from the project
8.724 women e 6.062 men
11 APGCs
Resource Restoration Area: sites where natural resources are restored
199 ARR
Areas defined for mangrove restoration
150 ha
Areas of coral reefs that are maintained or enhanced in the project area
Areas defined for seagrass restoration
9 ha
Economic activities that take into account their environmental, social and economic impact
Amount invested in projects or businesses supported by Blue Future
€ 312.500
Communities where the project is active
Workshop on Feasibility study of blue carbon credits between Memba and Mossuril (Nampula)
Workshop on Feasibility study of blue carbon credits between Memba and Mossuril (Nampula)
Blue Future Project Establishes and Empowers Chicoma Community Savings and Credit Association to Promote Local Financial Education
Blue Future Project Establishes and Empowers Chicoma Community Savings and Credit Association to Promote Local Financial Education
Building a Blue Future for Ecosystems and People on the East African Coast